Comparison of Alexandrite 755 nm Picosecond Laser vs. Alexandrite 755 nm Nanosecond Laser.


eMediNexus    20 January 2018

A new study published in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology compared the efficacy and safety of a picosecond alexandrite laser (PSAL) and a Q-switched alexandrite lasers (QSAL) in the treatment of acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-like macules (ABNOM). In this trial, 30 patients underwent three treatments at six-month intervals. Matching areas were delimitated on faces of all patients for left/right comparison; one side was treated with PSAL, and the other side was treated with QSAL. It was observed that the PSAL-treated area achieved significantly better clearance with less severe pain. While the incidence rates of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) was 27.77% and 54.44% for the PSAL and QSAL treatments, respectively, and the duration of PIH was 1.32 and 1.74 months, respectively. Thus, it was concluded that when compared to QSAL, PSAL therapy resulted in considerably better clinical outcomes and fewer side-effects in the treatment of ABNOM.

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